
Footprints of Impact

How Tishauna Mullings Is Fostering Rural Regeneration


Tishauna Mullings’ battle with self-iden­tity and the harsh realities of the rural youth in her rustic home­town activated a bold step to establish the first social enterprise in St. Thomas. Her high school years weren’t the easiest. She grappled with self-esteem and confi­dence issues which silenced her. After completing univer­sity, Tishauna experienced a metamorphosis that led her to become a source of hope for teens.

NexxStepp Lifelong Educa­tional Services was envi­sioned to empower youth and address the pressing challenges associated with unemployment. The big vi­sion was always to become a pivotal contributor to hu­man capital development islandwide.

St. Thomas is commonly re­ferred to as the “forgotten” parish, however Tishauna has never seen it as forgot­ten but as a place that’s rich in possibilities. Seeing those possibilities, she thought if she should start a business it had to be for impact over income.

Tishauna has tread in several communities, training and supporting youth, organiza­tions, churches, and schools, leaving footprints of notable impact. She has impacted over 500 children through summer programmes and the Little Genius Initiative, which provides a platform for children to express them­selves. As a part of fulfilling her social mission, she has engaged over 2000 youth through apprenticeship op­portunities, workshops, and training sessions.

As a social entrepreneur, things haven’t been the easiest. When help was needed the most, she learnt of an accelerator pro­gramme called the Social Enterprise Boost Initiative, a joint project with JN Foun­dation and USAID. Nexx­Stepp received JMD $3.5 million, which aided in the rebranding and positioning of NexxStepp as a social en­terprise on the local scene.

Through her advocacy, Tishauna engaged a group of young girls who were mistreated. This was an emotional experience for her where she revealed how powerful it is to be a voice of love to those who are at the breaking point in their lives.

She continues her jour­ney down the rural tracks, stepping on social issues af­fecting youth and children through mobilising resources to improve their lives.

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