
Cultivating the Future

How Deaf Can! Coffee Works To Bring Opportunities To Their Community


Christophe advocating for deaf advocacyIt takes three to four years on average for a newly planted coffee tree to bear fruit, depend­ing on the variety and a good amount of time before preparing the soil for the seed to be planted. Deaf Can! Coffee has been tilling the soil since 2015 through their community-owned organisation by preparing not just the seeds that walk through their door but effecting positive change in the communities they’re planted in.

Being a social enterprise, their impact on the communities they’re involved with spreads deeper than profit as the roots of their mission are founded on educating deaf people in preparation for various opportu­nities. Fabian Jackson recounted his experience of what led him to join Deaf Can!, telling us of how underutilised he felt in his previous job surrounded by hearing people because he could complete his tasks faster given he wasn’t locked in constant unwarranted conversa­tions with other colleagues.

He then met Carlyle, who provided the opportunity to join the team at Deaf Can! and since broadened the acreage of his reach in affect­ing change in the deaf community. A big part of being able to push the change Deaf Can! is hoping to make locally relies on having the right tools at their fingertips which includes funding.

In early 2020, N.C.B. Foundation and NCB Capital Markets Limited sup­ported Deaf Can! Coffee through a joint investment of $7.5M towards their Jamaica Social Stock Ex­change (JSSE) listing. So now, other locals can invest in cultivating Deaf Can! Coffee’s dream for the future.

The positive vibrations being spread from Deaf Can! Coffee can be felt in the various communities their efforts have been planted in through their work with the organisations and people they partner with.

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